Kamis, 29 September 2011

Sejarah Teh Botol Sosro

Bottling Teh Botol Sosro

Seiring dengan perkembangan bisnis perusahaan, maka sejak Tanggal 27 November 2004, PT SINAR SOSRO dan PT GUNUNG SLAMAT bernaung dibawah perusahaan induk (holding company) yakni PT ANGGADA PUTRA REKSO MULIA (Grup Rekso) yang berkantor Pusat di :

Gedung Graha Rekso
Jl. Boulevard Artha Gading Kav A1
Sentra Bisnis Artha Gading –
Kelapa Gading - Jakarta Utara, 14240

Kantor Pusat Teh Botol Sosro ( Keren )
Berdiri pada tahun 1974, PT SINAR SOSRO merupakan perusahaan minuman teh siap minum dalam kemasan botol yang pertama di Indonesia dan di dunia.

Dasar atau Filosofi PT. Sinar Sosro adalah Niat Baik yang di jabarkan dalam 3K dan RL yakni :

Peduli terhadap KUALITAS
Peduli terhadap KEAMANAN
Peduli terhadap KESEHATAN

Keterangan untuk produk PT. Sinar Sosro :

Teh botol Sosro menggunakan bahan baku : air, gula industri dan teh hijau yang dicampur dengan bunga melati dan bunga gambir (dikenal dengan teh wangi).
Teh Botol Sosro
Teh botol Sosro menggunakan bahan baku : air, gula industri dan teh hijau yang dicampur dengan bunga melati dan bunga gambir (dikenal dengan teh wangi).
Fruit Tea
Fruit Tea menggunakan bahan baku yakni : air, gula industri, teh hitam dan konsentrat sari buah asli.
Joy Tea
Joy Tea Green menggunakan bahan baku : air, gula industri dan teh hijau.
Teh Celup Sosro
Teh Celup Sosro merupakan produk teh siap saji yang dihasilkan oleh PT. GUNUNG SLAMAT (sister company dari PT. Sinar Sosro) dengan varian produknya antara lain adalah:

Teh Celup Sosro isi 5, 10, 15, 30, 50 dan 100 sachet
Teh Celup Sosro kemasan Batik isi 25 sachet dengan pilihan Teh Hitam (Black Tea), Teh Hijau (Green Tea), dan Teh Melati (Jasmine Tea)

All Products
Happy Jus
Country Choice
Bahan baku teh untuk produk-produk PT. SINAR SOSRO disuplai oleh PT. GUNUNG SLAMAT, sedangkan bahan baku teh tersebut dikelolah oleh PT. AGRO PANGAN selaku sister company. Bahan baku teh untuk PT. Sinar Sosro berasal dari:

Perkebunan Teh Gunung Rosa di Cianjur
Perkebunan Teh Gunung Manik di Cianjur
Perkebunan Teh Gunung Cempaka di Cianjur
Perkebunan Teh Gunung Satria di Garut
Perkebunan Teh Daerah Neglasari di Garut
Perkebunan Teh Daerah Cukul di Pangalengan
Perkebunan Teh Daerah Sambawa di Tasikmalaya


Kesegaran, rasa serta higinitas dari produk menjadi salah satu konsentrasi PT. SINAR SOSRO dalam menghasilkan produk-produk yang berkualitas.
PT. SINAR SOSRO berkantor pusat di :
Gedung Graha SOSRO
Jl. Sultan Agung Km. 28 Kelurahan Medan Satria Bekasi 17132

SOSRO merupakan pelopor produk teh siap minum dalam kemasan yang pertama di Indonesia. Nama SOSRO diambil dari nama keluarga pendirinya yakni SOSRODJOJO.

Tahun 1940, Keluarga Sosrodjojo memulai usahanya di sebuah kota kecil bernama Slawi di Jawa Tengah. Pada saat memulai bisnisnya, produk yang dijual adalah teh kering dengan merek Teh Cap Botol dimana daerah penyebarannya masih di seputar wilayah Jawa Tengah.

Tahun 1953, Keluarga Sosrodjojo mulai memperluas bisnisnya dengan merambah ke ibukota Jakarta untuk memperkenalkan produk Teh Cap Botol yang sudah sangat terkenal di daerah Jawa Tengah.

Pendirinya nih... ( Generasi Pertama Kel. Sosrodjojo )

Tahun 1953, Keluarga Sosrodjojo mulai memperluas bisnisnya dengan merambah ke ibukota Jakarta untuk memperkenalkan produk Teh Cap Botol yang sudah sangat terkenal di daerah Jawa Tengah.

Perjalanan memperkenalkan produk Teh Cap Botol ini dimulai dengan melakukan strategi CICIP RASA (product sampling) ke beberapa pasar di kota Jakarta.

Awalnya, datang ke pasar-pasar untuk memperkenalkan Teh Cap Botol dengan cara memasak dan menyeduh teh langsung di tempat. Setelah seduhan tersebut siap, teh tersebut dibagikan kepada orang-orang yang ada di pasar. Tetapi cara ini kurang berhasil karena teh yang telah diseduh terlalu panas dan proses penyajiannya terlampau lama sehingga pengunjung di pasar yang ingin mencicipinya tidak sabar menunggu.

Cara kedua, teh tidak lagi diseduh langsung di pasar, tetapi dimasukkan kedalam panci-panci besar untuk selanjutnya dibawa ke pasar dengan menggunakan mobil bak terbuka. Lagi-lagi cara ini kurang berhasil karena teh yang dibawa, sebagian besar tumpah dalam perjalanan dari kantor ke pasar. Hal ini disebabkan pada saat tersebut jalanan di kota Jakarta masih berlubang dan belum sebagus sekarang.
Akhirnya muncul ide untuk membawa teh yang telah diseduh di kantor, dikemas kedalam botol yang sudah dibersihkan. Ternyata cara ini cukup menarik minat pengunjung karena selain praktis juga bisa langsung dikonsumsi tanpa perlu menunggu tehnya dimasak seperti cara sebelumnya.

Pada tahun 1969 muncul gagasan untuk menjual teh siap minum (ready to drink tea) dalam kemasan botol, dan pada tahun 1974 didirikan PT SINAR SOSRO yang merupakan pabrik teh siap minum dalam kemasan botol pertama di Indonesia dan di dunia.

Model botol untuk kemasan Tehbotol Sosro mengalami tiga kali perubahan yakni :

1. Botol Versi I
Dikeluarkan pada tahun 1970 dengan merek TEHCAP BOTOL SOFT DRINK SOSRODJOJO.

2. Botol Versi II
Dikeluarkan pada tahun 1972 dengan merek TEH CAP BOTOL (dengan penulisan ”CAP” lebih kecil, sehingga orang lebih membaca TEH BOTOL), selain itu Penulisan Soft Drink dihilangkan, dan tulisan TEH BOTOL diganti dengan warna merah putih yang menggambarkan produk asli Indonesia. Penulisan Sosrodjojo juga disingkat menjadi SOSRO dalam logo bulat merah.

3. Botol Versi III
Pada tahun 1974, terjadi perubahan design botol yang ke-III. Design botolnya tidak seperti botol versi I & II. Dengan bentuk botol yang baru dan perubahan pada penulisan merk TEHBOTOL SOSRO pada kemasannya. Design botol ke-III ini diperkenalkan seiring dengan didirikannya pabrik PT. SINAR SOSRO yang pertama di daerah Cakung, Jakarta.

Bisnis SOSRO sampai dengan saat ini sudah dijalankan oleh tiga Generasi SOSRODJOJO yakni :

* Generasi Pertama (Pendiri Grup Sosro) :
o Bapak Sosrodjojo (Alm.)
* Generasi Kedua
o Bapak Soemarsono Sosrodjojo (Alm.)
o Bapak Soegiharto Sosrodjojo
o Bapak Soetjipto Sosrodjojo
o Bapak Surjanto Sosrodjojo

* Sejak awal tahun 1990, bisnis ini telah mulai dikelola oleh cucu Bapak Sosrodjojo atau dapat juga disebut dengan Generasi Ketiga.

Pengembangan bisnis minuman teh selanjutnya dilakukan oleh dua perusahaan :

* PT. SINAR SOSRO, perusahan yang memproduksi Teh Siap Minum Dalam Kemasan. Produk-produknya adalah Tehbotol Sosro, Fruit Tea Sosro, Joy Tea Green Sosro, TEBS, Happy Jus, dan Air Minum Prim-A.
* PT. GUNUNG SLAMAT, perusahaan yang memproduksi Teh Kering Siap Saji. Produk-produknya adalah Teh Celup Sosro, Teh Cap Botol, Teh Poci, Teh Terompet, Teh Sadel, Teh Sepatu dan Teh Berko, PT. GUNUNG SLAMAT mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai Top Brand Award 2008 untuk kategori Teh Celup.

Terakhir Generasi Pemimpin Sosro

Sumber :
http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=9324268 ( Hot Thread )

Rabu, 28 September 2011

Big Time Rush - Worldwide


Wait a minute before you tell me anything, how was your day?
Cause I have been missing you by my side, yeah
Did I awake you out of your dream?
I'm sorry but I couldn't sleep
You calm me down
There's something about the sound of your voice
I'm never never (never as far away as it may seem)
Soon we'll be together
We'll pick up right where we left off

Paris, London, Tokyo
There's just one thing that I gotta do
(Hello, tuck you in every night on the phone)
(Hello, tuck you in every night on the phone)
Not gonna let me take another goodbye
Babe, it won't be long
You're the one that I'm waiting on
(Hello, tuck you in every night on the phone)
Girl I'll be thinking about you worldwide, worldwide, worldwide
Girl I'll be thinking about you worldwide, worldwide, worldwide
(Girl I'll be thinking about you)

Yes, I may meet a million pretty girls that know my name
But don't you worry, cause you have my heart
It ain't easy to keep on moving city to city
Just get up and go
The show must go on so I need you to be strong
I-I-I-I'm never never (never as far away as it may seem)
Soon we'll be together
We'll pick up right where we left off

Paris, London, Tokyo
There's just one thing that I gotta do
(Hello, tuck you in every night on the phone)
(Hello, tuck you in every night on the phone)
Not gonna let me take another goodbye
Babe, it won't be long
You're the one that I'm waiting on
(Hello, tuck you in every night on the phone)
Girl I'll be thinking about you worldwide, worldwide, worldwide
Girl I'll be thinking about you worldwide, worldwide, worldwide
(Girl I'll be thinking about you)

Wherever the wind blows me
You're still the one and only girl on my mind
No, there ain't no one better (worldwide)
So always remember (worldwide)
Always remember, girl you're mine

Paris, London, Tokyo
There's just one thing that I gotta do
(Hello, tuck you in every night on the phone)
(Hello, tuck you in every night on the phone)
Not gonna let me take another goodbye
Babe, it won't be long
You're the one that I'm waiting on
(Hello, tuck you in every night on the phone)
Girl I'll be thinking about you worldwide, worldwide, worldwide
Girl I'll be thinking about you worldwide, worldwide, worldwide
(Girl I'll be thinking about you)

Yes, I may meet a million pretty girls that know my name
But don't you worry
Cause you have my heart 

Backstreet Boys - I Want It That Way

 "I Want It That Way" 
 (with New Kids On The Block) 


You are my fire
The one desire
Believe when I say
I want it that way

But we are two worlds apart
Can't reach to your heart
When you say
That I want it that way

Tell me why
Ain't nothin' but a heartache
Tell me why
Ain't nothin' but a mistake
Tell me why
I never wanna hear you say
I want it that way

Am I your fire
Your one desire
Yes I know it's too late
But I want it that way


Now I can see that we're falling apart
From the way that it used to be, yeah
No matter the distance
I want you to know
That deep down inside of me...

You are my fire
The one desire
You are
You are, you are, you are

Don't wanna hear you say
Ain't nothin' but a heartache
Ain't nothin' but a mistake
(Don't wanna hear you say)
I never wanna hear you say
I want it that way

Tell me why
Ain't nothin' but a heartache
Tell me why
Ain't nothin but a mistake
Tell me why
I never wanna hear you say
(Don't wanna hear you say it)
I want it that way
I want it that way 

Minggu, 18 September 2011

Rajon Rondo Helps Unveil the Nike Zoom Hyperfuse 2011

via Press Release

The Zoom Hyperfuse isn't one of Nike's signature models, but if you were to link the shoe to a player on the Nike Basketball roster, it'd be Boston Celtics point guard Rajon Rondo. Rondo debuted the original model during the 2009-2010 playoffs, saw his player exclusive colorway release at House of Hoops locations and was one of the players selected to wear the Hyperfuse 2011 during the latter parts of this past season. Further establishing Rondo's role as the "Godfather of Hyperfuse," Nike has issued these photos of Rondo wearing the new shoe along with their official unveiling press materials.

Senin, 12 September 2011

Rajon Rondo - #17 at SLAM Top 50 NBA Players

by Franklyn Calle
Remember when Rajon Rondo’s job was to simply bring the ball up the floor and dish it out to one of the “Big Three”? He was returning from his rookie campaign, and Boston had just finished in last place in the Atlantic division the previous season. There were questions and skepticism as to whether the 6-1 lanky guard could run the point properly, the most important position on the floor, on a team that had high expectation after having acquired Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen in the offseason.  But so much has changed since then. The former Kentucky Wildcat is no longer a sidekick to KG, Allen, and Paul Pierce. Today, he is the most important player of the franchise. He was the reason why Boston was only five points short from their 18th world championship. You take Rondo out of the equation and the Celtic’s 2010 playoff run wouldn’t have even been clRajon Rondoose to how it went down. He has the highest value of any player wearing Celtic green, in terms of upside and promise.
Last season, Rondo was putting up new career highs all across the stat sheet, particularly in points, assists and steals. Aside from his 13.7 points per game, the Louisville, Kentucky, native finished fourth in the NBA in assists. His 9.8 assists per game only trailed Steve Nash, Chris Paul, and Deron Williams. In addition, he led the League in steals with 2.3 per game, the first Celtic player EVER to do so.
At the beginning of last season, Rondo signed a guaranteed five-year $55 million extension with the Celtics, a sign that Boston recognized how important of a player he is to their success.
Rondo, who was selected as a Eastern Conference reserve for the NBA All-Star game for the first time in his young career, denoted his talent last season, breaking league and franchise records.
In a late March home game against the Sacramento Kings, Rondo surpassed Rick Fox’s 167 steals and became the franchise’s all-time leader for steals in a single season. Not to mention, he finished with 18 assists that night as well — a career high for him at the time.
Three games later, Rondo broke Bob Cousy’s record for most assist in a single season by a Celtic player, a record that stood for 50 years, after a 23-point and 10 assists performance against the Houston Rockets.
In Game 2 of the Eastern Conference semifinals against the Cleveland Cavaliers, Rondo finished with 13 points and 19 assists. The assists tied his career-high, as well as the franchise’s record for most assists in a playoff game. In Game 4, he joined Oscar Robertson and Wilt Chamberlain as the only players in NBA history to ever finish with 29 points, 18 rebounds, and 13 assists in a single playoff game.
I don’t about you but for someone who has only been in the League for four years, this speaks volumes considering the fact that he has already either broken or tied records held by other NBA legends.
When you considered the fact that Rondo’s assists have been increasing at a rate of almost two assists per season (1.93 to be exact), a double-double season average for this upcoming season is inevitable. Also, if you factor in that Boston has made some nice upgrades to their bench by adding Shaquille O’Neal and Jermaine O’Neal to be backups in their frontcourt, after the Heat and the Lakers revamped their teams, as well as the continued steady improvements of Kendrick Perkins (10.1 pts & 7.6 rpg last season) Glenn Davis (6.3 pts & 3.8 rbs last season), there is no doubt that Rondo’s 9.8 assist per game will be well into the the double digits. (Remember: His assists average have gone up at an average of 2 assists every year since he’s been in the L.)
Now, a lot of you guys who don’t really like Rondo are going to argue that he can’t shoot the ball. And, well, you’re right to a certain extent. Rondo has had trouble with the consistency of his jumper and free throws. That’s something I’m pretty sure he’s aware is his biggest flaw. But despite all the records he’s already broken, we have to remember that he’s only 24 years old. There is definitely room to grow and improve. If four years down the road, meaning eight years into his pro career, his shots haven’t seen a significant improvement, then we can talk. We’ve seen LeBron James’ shooting improve throughout the first seven years of his career. This 6-1 guard has tremendous upside. He has already surpassed individual franchise records for a team that holds the most championships in NBA history and have featured the likes of Bill Russell, Larry Bird, Bob Cousy and Dave Cowens.
Just imagine what he could do once his perimeter game becomes respectable.

Jumat, 09 September 2011

I'ts Rondo Time !

Rajon Pierre Rondo (born February 22, 1986) is an American professional basketball player who plays point guard for the Boston Celtics of the National Basketball Association (NBA). Born in LouisvilleKentucky, Rondo attended Eastern High School and Oak Hill Academy for his high-school basketball career, before receiving a scholarship from the University of Kentucky. He played for two years at Kentucky before declaring for the 2006 NBA Draft, represented by agent Bill Duffy.
During the draft, Rondo was selected 21st overall by the Phoenix Suns, and was subsequently traded to the Boston Celtics, where he made his NBA debut as a rookie during the 2006–07 season. He played a supporting role before he established himself as the starting point guard for the Celtics during the 2007–08 season. That season, Rondo earned his first NBA Championship, playing alongside All-Stars Kevin GarnettRay Allen and Paul Pierce. His breakout performance came during the 2009 NBA Playoffs, where he nearly averaged a triple-double, and helped his team take the eventual Eastern-conference champion Orlando Magic a full seven games in the East semi-finals.

Early life

Rondo was born on February 22, 1986 in LouisvilleKentucky to Amber Rondo.[2] He has three siblings: Dymon, William and Anton.[3]He had little contact with his father, who left his family when he was seven years old.[3] To support the family, his mother worked the third shift at Philip Morris USA, a tobacco company.[3] Rondo was first interested in football, before his mother steered him towards basketball because she felt that the sport would be less punishing on his skinny frame.[3] After Rondo became serious about basketball, he attended Louisville's Eastern High School for three years where he played under head coach Doug Bibby. During hisjunior year at Eastern High School, he averaged 27.9 points, 10.0 rebounds and 7.5 assists which earned him a spot on the All-State honors and was named the 7th Region Player of the Year. He transferred to Virginia's Oak Hill Academy for his senior year where heaveraged 21.0 points per game (ppg), 3.0 rebounds per game (rpg) and 12.0 assists per game (apg) and finished the 2003–04 season with a 38–0 record.[4] In his senior year at Oak Hill Academy, Rondo broke Jeff McInnis's single-season school record of 303 assists, while averaging a double-double. There, he included two efforts of 27 assists and a single-game school record of 31, merely four away from the all-time national record.[4] He also had a 55 point game in high-school, second highest all-time in Oak Hill Academy, surpassed only by Calvin Duncan with 61.[5] Rondo was named to the McDonald's All-American Team in 2004 and scored a total of 14 points, 4 assists and 4 rebounds in the all-star game. He also participated in the 2004 Jordan Capital Classic game, logging 12 points, 5 assists and 4 steals. He ended his career as Oak Hill Academy's all-time assists leader in a single season with 494 assists, surpassing Jeff McInnis.[6]

College career

Rondo committed to University of Kentucky over hometown University of Louisville.[7] Rondo, along with All-Americans Joe Crawford and Randolph Morris, gave Kentucky the top-rated recruiting class for 2004 according to Rivals.com.[8] Rondo led Kentucky to several wins including clutch-shot victories against the University of LouisvilleSouth Carolina and Central Florida, but Kentucky failed to advance to the Final Four of the NCAA Tournament in either Rondo's freshman or sophomore seasons. He was named to the SEC All-Freshmen Team.[9]He set a Kentucky Wildcats record for most steals in single-season, with a total of 87 steals in his freshman year and made at least one steal in every game.[10] He finished his freshman year at Kentucky averaging 8.1 points, 2.9 rebounds, 3.5 assists and 2.6 steals.[11]
In his sophomore year he had a career high 12 assists against Ole Miss, despite playing just 23 minutes, and 25 points against Louisville.[12] Rondo also set another Kentucky Wildcatsrecord for most rebounds in a game by a guard, with 19 rebounds in an early season loss to Iowa.[13] He was not known for being a shooter, however, going 18–66 from three with a 57.1% FT average. He averaged 11.2 points, 6.1 rebounds, 4.9 assists and 2.1 steals per game in his sophomore year.[11] Rondo was also named to the 2005 USA Men's Under-21 World Championship Team, which traveled to Argentina for the FIBA World Championships.[14] He averaged 11.0 ppg and 4.5 apg in the eight-game tournament, garnering much attention from NBA scouts. The USA U-21 team won a gold medal at the Global Games held in Texas in late July.

NBA career

2006 NBA Draft

Following the 2005–06 NCAA season, Rondo announced he would forgo his final two seasons at Kentucky and enter the NBA draft.[15] Rondo was drafted 21st overall by the Phoenix Suns in the 2006 NBA Draft. Phoenix then traded him to the Boston Celtics along with Brian Grant for the Cleveland Cavaliers' first-round draft pick in the 2007 NBA Draft and cash considerations.[16] He was the first point guard to be chosen in the draft.[17] In another draft-day deal, the Celtics acquired Sebastian Telfair from the Portland Trail Blazers, finally uniting the backcourt Rick Pitino had envisioned at Louisville.[18] He was signed by the Boston Celtics on July 4, 2006.

Rookie season

During his rookie season in the NBA, Rondo played a supporting role and would split time with Sebastian Telfair and Delonte West. Rondo only started in 25 games that season due to his initial backup role to Telfair. He made his NBA regular season debut on November 1, 2006, in a home loss against the New Orleans Hornets.[19] In his rookie season, he lacked on his jump shot which resulted in him slashing to the basket for a teardrop or layup. While coming off the bench, he managed to score a career-high 23 points against the Toronto Raptors,[2]and record his first career double-double in a road losing effort against the Washington Wizards.[20] In his first career start, he matched his career-high against the Los Angeles Clippers, though the line-ups were constantly being shuffled between Telfair and Rondo at the point guard.[2] After officially becoming a starter, he began to receive more playing time (career-high forty-seven minutes of playing time)[2] and show improvement (career-high fourteen rebounds against the San Antonio Spurs,[21] and a career-high seven steals against the Indiana Pacers).[2] As the mid-season approached, his numbers began to increase,[22] which earned him an All-Rookie Second Team selection.[23] He finished the season with an average of 6.4 ppg and 3.8 apg,[24] ranking in the top ten in the NBA in steals (128)[25] and also ranking in the top ten among rookies in several other categories, including first in steals, second in assists and sixth in minutes.[22] In the end, however, the Celtics finished the season with a 24–58 win-loss record and failed to qualify for the playoffs.

2007–08 season

After Telfair and West were traded during the offseason of the 2007–08 season, Rondo secured a spot in the starting lineup, starting in every game. Surrounded by All-Stars Kevin Garnett, Ray Allen and Paul Pierce, he quickly became a steady, consistent player.[26] In his 77 games played, he averaged 10.6 points per game (ppg), 5.1 assists per game (apg) and 4.2 rebounds per game (rpg).[24] His role as a playmaker reflected in him leading the team in assists and steals. In a game against the New Jersey Nets, Rondo suffered a lower back injury late in the third quarter, forcing him to miss the next four games.[27] He made his successful return from injury and to the starting lineup in a road win against theNew York Knicks.[28] A week later, he matched his career-high against the Miami Heat,[29] and then scored a career-high 24 points in a home game against the Los Angeles Clippers the following month.[30] During the All-Star break, he was selected to play on the Sophomore Team in theT-Mobile Rookie Challenge and Youth Jam.[31] Following the All-Star weekend, Rondo recorded a career-high 16 assists in a home victory against the Charlotte Bobcats.[32] Despite his solid rookie year, there was much speculation about Boston needing a veteran point guard.[33] In March, they signed veteran point guard Sam Cassell as a free agent to serve as a backup.[33] The Celtics' best single-season improvement in NBA history earned them the number one seed in the Eastern Conference Playoffs.
Following the regular season, Rondo finished in the top five for the NBA Most Improved Player voting.[34] Rondo made his playoff debut on April 20, 2008 against the Atlanta Hawks and finished the game with 15 points, 9 assists and 2 steals. The Celtics closed out the series in seven games, went on to defeat Cleveland in the next round, and then defeated the Pistons in the Eastern Conference Finals. In the NBA Finals, facing the Los Angeles Lakers, Rondo recorded two strong performances, including a career-high 16 assists in Game 2. In Game 3, however, Rondo left the court in the third quarter after rolling his ankle.[35] The ankle injury was considered a "non-factor", and Rondo eventually made his return in Game 4.[36] In Game 6, the point guard posted a playoffs career-high 6 steals as the Celtics defeated the Lakers 4–2, giving Rondo his first NBA championship ring. After the game Lakers head coach Phil Jackson called Rondo the "star" of Game 6.[33]

2008–09 season

In his third NBA campaign, the Celtics began the season with the best starting record in NBA history and also set a franchise record with a nineteen-game winning streak.[37] Rondo's numbers increased from his previous season performance; however, he was criticized for his shooting.[38] He recorded his first career triple-double along with a career-high in assists (16 points, 13 rebounds and 17 assists), against the Indiana Pacers.[39] In a home win against the New York Knicks, Rondo led the team to tie a franchise record with eighteen straight wins.[40] However, after the winning streak was snapped the team struggled, losing seven out of nine games after ending the streak.[41] Rondo—matched up with one of the league's quicker guards, Tony Parker—recorded 16 assists in a losing effort against the Spurs, one short of his season-high.[42] Less than a week later against theMavericks, he recorded his second career triple-double (19 points, 15 rebounds and 14 assists),[43] and then recorded a career-high 32 points against the Phoenix Suns on his 23rd birthday.[44] He became the first NBA athlete to sign an endorsement contract with Red Bull on April 17, 2009. He finished the season ranking fifth in the NBA in assists (8.2) and steals (1.9).[45] The team finished the season as the second seed in the Eastern Conference, although they entered the playoffs without their injured All-Star power forward Kevin Garnett.
In the playoffs match-up against the Chicago Bulls, despite putting up a playoff career-high 29 points in Game 1, the Celtics lost in overtime.[46]Boston won the next two games and in Games 2 and 4, Rondo recorded triple-doubles[47] and became the first Celtic player with two triple-doubles in the same series since Larry Bird in 1986. He also became the first player with multiple triple-doubles in the same playoff series since Jason Kidd had three triple-doubles in the 2002 Eastern Conference Finals.[48] In Game 6, he recorded a career-high 19 assists without a turnover, tying an NBA playoffs record.[49] In the next round against the Orlando Magic, the Celtics lost the first game before Rondo's triple-double performance in Game 2 helped secure a home win. His third triple-double of the postseason tied Larry Bird's franchise record and also became the first to do that since Jason Kidd had four.[50] However, the Celtics were defeated in seven games in the Eastern Conference Semi-Finals.[51] During the postseason, Rondo nearly averaged a triple double with 16.9 points, 9.7 rebounds and 9.8 assists.[52]

2009–10 season

During the 2009–10 season, Rondo averaged career highs in points (13.7), assists (9.8) and steals (2.3) and became the first Celtic to lead the league in steals.[53] On November 2, 2009, Rondo signed a five-year extension with the Celtics worth a guaranteed $55 million.[54] In a road victory against the Orlando Magic on Christmas day, Rondo recorded 17 points, 13 rebounds and 8 assists, two assists shy of a triple double.[55] Three days later, Rondo scored 30 points along to go with 15 assists in a road loss to the Golden State Warriors.[56] On January 10, 2010, Rondo recorded his third regular-season career triple-double, with 22 points, 13 assists and 10 rebounds against the Toronto Raptors.[57] On January 28, 2010, he received his first NBA All-Star selection as a reserve on the Eastern Conference squad for the 2010 NBA All-Star Game.[58] He also competed in the 2010 H-O-R-S-E contest but lost In the finals to Kevin Durant.[59] Rondo recorded his fourth regular-season career triple-double against the Denver Nuggets on March 24, 2010, with 11 points, 15 assists and 11 rebounds.[60] Two days later against the Sacramento Kings, Rondo entered the game tied with Rick Fox for a franchise record of most steals in a single-season (167), eventually establishing the record with a second-quarter steal from Sean May.[61] In a game against the Houston Rockets on April 2, 2010, he broke Bob Cousy's franchise record for most assists in a single-season.[62]
In the 2010 NBA Playoffs, the Celtics defeated the Miami Heat in five games and faced the Cleveland Cavaliers in the second round. In Game 2, Rondo dished out 19 assists tying his career-high and also tying a franchise record for most assists in a playoff game.[63] In Game 4, he recorded his fourth postseason triple-double along with a playoff career-high 29 points and 18 rebounds.[64] He joined Wilt Chamberlain and Oscar Robertson as the only other player in NBA history to have 29 points, 18 rebounds and 13 assists in a playoff game.[65] The Celtics eventually defeated the Cavaliers and the Orlando Magic in the Eastern Conference Finals in six games.[66] In the Finals, the Celtics once again faced the Los Angeles Lakers, a team they previously beat in 2008. In Game 2, Rondo recorded his second triple-double of the postseason (19 points, 12 rebounds and 10 assists),[67] however, despite Rondo's performance, the Celtics succumbed to the Lakers in seven games.[68]

2010–11 season

In the first game of the 2010–11 season, Rondo put up 17 assists, which tied with Oscar Robertson for the third-most assists in a season opener.[69] In the third game of the season, he dished out a career-high 24 assists along with a triple-double (10 points and 10 rebounds) against the New York Knicks.[70] It tied him with Isiah Thomas as the only players in NBA history to have at least 24 assists in a triple-double.[71] His total of 50 assists through the first three games of the season tied John Stockton's NBA record for most assists in the first 3 games of the season.[71] In the next game against the Detroit Pistons, he finished the game with 17 assists for a total of 67 assists, which is the most assists in the teams first four games in NBA history.[72] With a 15 assists effort the following day, Rondo again set a record for most assists through the first five games.[73]
Rondo's season also began with injuries. He has played through plantar fasciitis in his feet.[74] He missed three games in November due to a strained left hamstring.[75] He sprained his left ankle in a win against the New York Knicks on December 15, 2010, and missed the next seven games.[76] On April 22, in the third game of the first-round playoff series against theNew York Knicks, Rondo had a triple-double with 20 assists.[77] Rondo set a Celtics franchise record for most assists in a playoff game. He was also tied with LeBron James with 6 career triple-double in the playoffs until James had reached his seventh further on in the playoffs during Game 4 of the Finals.[77][78] Rondo had the third best selling jersey in the league during the 2010-11 season, behind only James and Kobe Bryant.[79]

NBA career statistics

  GPGames played  GS Games started MPG Minutes per game
 FG% Field-goal percentage 3P% 3-point field-goal percentage FT% Free-throw percentage
 RPG Rebounds per game APG Assists per game SPG Steals per game
 BPG Blocks per game PPG Points per game Bold Career high

Led the league
Correct as of end of 2010-11 season[24]

Regular season

2009–10Boston818136.6.508.213.6214.49.82.3 [80].113.7



Awards and honors

  • First Team: 2010, 2011
  • Second Team: 2009
  • Second team: 2007
  • NBA regular season leader:
  • steals: 2010 (189)
  • steals per game: 2010 (2.3)
  • Boston Celtics franchise records:
  • Most assists in a single season: 794 (2009–10)
  • Most steals in a single season: 189 (2009–10)
  • Most assists in a playoff game: 20 (2010–11)